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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2560

The Multimedia Teaching

 💻💻The Multimedia Teaching💻💻
Arousing the students’ interest
ëTeachers should try their students to become interest in one topic of knowledge point, and make the students this kind of media which can show with a strong passion and enthusiasm to participate in teaching.
ëMulti-media teaching can not stimulate students' interest in learning, but also make teaching becomes vivid and lively.
Improving students' self-learning ability
ëThe most important thing is teaching students how to learn and making students m "want me to study" to "I want to learn" in thinking, from passive learning to active learning.
 ëThe use of multimedia will be conducive to transition for students from the traditional passive learning to active state for independent study.
Improving students' innovative ability
ëThe teachers should pay attention to tap the imagination of students. To use multimedia achieve the desired results and find unlimited resources in textbooks.
Cultivating students’ communication skills.
ëMany students get a fixed, isolated knowledge points from textbooks, but the ability of using these knowledge points to the real life of capacity is relatively poor.
 ë We can create real-life scenes in the classroom. It is not only to shorten the distance between teaching and practice and give students the opportunity to use English to communicate, but also to satisfy their curiosity in psychology and stimulate the expression of desire.
 Increasing classroom capacity
ëTeachers can avoid using of multiple exchange of recorders, video recorders, overhead projectors, etc.
ë Multi-media teaching rhythm is adapted to the needs of modernization to meet the student’s desire for knowledge.
ë Some teachers have directly brought a CD-ROM courseware for their lessons, or copy other people’s courseware overall.
ëIt would only demonstrate the result other people, and just completely ignore the "teaching-centered" teaching thinking, completely change into a multimedea-centered thinking.
 Performance on behalf of the lead
ëTeachers use the multimedia presentation to replace the guidance of teachers completely.
ë Some teachers show the teaching materials as many as possible in order to attract the students’interest and make the class vivid.
ëEnglish teachers may bear this proverb in their minds while preparing the lesson: more haste, less speed.
Lack of special skills
 ëSome teachers waste certain time in operation the computer, the unskilled operation on computer would affect the instruction flow, which in turn would de-motive students if it happened frequently in class.
Over-use of multimedia
ë The teacher’s lack of enthusiasm and creation and his or her dependence on the multimedia technology, the teachers act as sole information-giver to the students.
ë The students under such traditional teaching method are still passive and have no chance to have content thinking, critical thinking of the teachers’ lecture.
Lack of interaction between teacher and students
 ë The teacher in the multimedia classroom are busy with machine operation-computer, DVD player, overhead projector, courseware-which might even get the proficient teachers busy, let alone those unskilled.

ëThe tie the teachers and students becomes loose and it seems to them that teacher is only caring about the machine and they are also focusing affection on the screen.

